Sunday, April 8, 2007

gratefulicious 2, and me as a PINK m&m

tonight's service just ended. for some tidbits about it, click here.


i did say that the day wasn't over yet, right? so there. more things that i am grateful about today:

- i did prod work at tonight's 5 & 7pm services!!! it's been something i've been making kulit to God about for the loooooooongest time. so there. the very first sunday that i was off from work i crossed paths with kuya dindo, the church's head events coordinator. then he gave me an offer i couldn't refuse!

eventually i was assigned to the 5&7 services at the center. i even flogged myself in dark clothing just to look the part!  looking back i know i'd be nervous about the whole thing, because it's been a while since i did prod work...but i wasn't! i was exciiiiiiiiiiiiiited as all heck! in fact my heart literally *jumped* the moment i wore the ID!

this is gonna be cheesy and all, but words really can't explain everything that was happening in the past few hours. seriously! my fingers are stopping, just trying to think of the next words to use. 

- tonight's words of encouragement. i've never liked being vocal about my new discovery in the faith because i was afraid of what other people would say. so i was sort of being mum and vague about the whole thing. then pastor ferdie said that "your testimony is your OWN," that it was as unique as your thumbprint. it got me nodding my head in agreement.

- shempre, new friends! everyone i've met today has been so warm, friendly, and encouraging in every small way. even the people i've known for a while have always been...wonderful. wow! ang redundant!

and, again making gaya joseph:

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mark lim said...

that is uber creepy...

but describes you best too...

no, not "melts in your mouth not on your hands.."

ew that just sounds pervy. hehe

it's more like
"tough shell pero inside is chocolate sweetness.." hihi

or pwede rin..

"run for your lives!!!"

ferdie cabiling said...

m hapy 4 u karess...

princess karess ♥ said...

creepy? cute nga eh!! :P

(shempre it's me kasi ahahaha)

i miss you mark!

princess karess ♥ said...

thank you po!

oh, and nice avatar! :D