Sunday, January 14, 2007

random vague snippets

1. last night's sermon was awesome.

2. i'm thankful for so many things. Thank You, for being there.

3. i have a little sanctuary in robinson's galleria. i go there when i need to smile, laugh, and just forget whatever's bothering me. spending time there works, it really does. my heart melts each time i'm at that place.

4. my boss gave us a little philosophy lesson a while ago: the past is wrong and the future is correct, because the future has not occurred yet. the present, therefore, is a correcting of the past. it's the future in motion. in essence, he said, this was what existentialism was about.

5. my foot is getting very much better. the healing process is taking smoothly. it gets uncomfy when it's cold, but other than that i have no other complaints.

6. things are falling into place. shocking, wonderful, much.


i've written about so many things that i'm so excited to post about. yeehee!

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