Friday, January 12, 2007

five weird habits about myself

i don't even think these facts are weird enough, but...i'm not feeling too creative right now

oh and i won't bother tagging, just grab and go!


Ground Rules: The first player of this game starts with the topic "5 weird habits/facts about yourself" and people who get tagged need to write an entry about their 5 weird habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next 5 people to be tagged and list their names.

1. i like popping my zits. i don't even think it's a weird habit--it's a BAD one. but i do believe that's the reason why there are mini-potholes on my face.

2. while i'm working working, i need to be talking to somebody. i get bored out of my skull if i'm quiet and dialling. which is why i have the ire of my supervisors :P i find it weird cos mas ginaganahan ako pag nakikipagdaldalan ako.

3. my mood/decisions/views change so rapidly, it's scary.

4. i find myself talking back to whoever's on TV, especially if it's a chismis interview of some starlet. as if they'd react, but hey. i'd even roll my eyes for good measure. :P

5. i may not look it, but i spend centuries in the bathroom.

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