Saturday, January 27, 2007

my box, my box, my lovely lady box

So, say you were meeting a new person — blind date, new friend, who knows. And you wanted them to have some idea of what kind of person you are, and who you are. But you can't actually tell them in so many words. Instead, you have to give them a box, with thirteen things in it for them to look at / read / listen to / taste / whatever. What would you put in the box? And a copy of your journal or a link to your blog would be the same thing as just telling them directly, yourself, so that's not allowed.

1. brown knitted beanie scarf
2. 2G ipod nano
3. NIV
4. multicolored dong-a gel pens
5. freshly sharpened mongol No.2 pencils
6. pink furry socks
7. maroon plastic specs
8. refillable ring-bound notebook
9. compaq presario v5201
10. dove calming night shower gel
11. blue doc marten's
13. 3" elastic bandage

Sunday, January 14, 2007

random vague snippets

1. last night's sermon was awesome.

2. i'm thankful for so many things. Thank You, for being there.

3. i have a little sanctuary in robinson's galleria. i go there when i need to smile, laugh, and just forget whatever's bothering me. spending time there works, it really does. my heart melts each time i'm at that place.

4. my boss gave us a little philosophy lesson a while ago: the past is wrong and the future is correct, because the future has not occurred yet. the present, therefore, is a correcting of the past. it's the future in motion. in essence, he said, this was what existentialism was about.

5. my foot is getting very much better. the healing process is taking smoothly. it gets uncomfy when it's cold, but other than that i have no other complaints.

6. things are falling into place. shocking, wonderful, much.


i've written about so many things that i'm so excited to post about. yeehee!

Friday, January 12, 2007

five weird habits about myself

i don't even think these facts are weird enough, but...i'm not feeling too creative right now

oh and i won't bother tagging, just grab and go!


Ground Rules: The first player of this game starts with the topic "5 weird habits/facts about yourself" and people who get tagged need to write an entry about their 5 weird habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next 5 people to be tagged and list their names.

1. i like popping my zits. i don't even think it's a weird habit--it's a BAD one. but i do believe that's the reason why there are mini-potholes on my face.

2. while i'm working working, i need to be talking to somebody. i get bored out of my skull if i'm quiet and dialling. which is why i have the ire of my supervisors :P i find it weird cos mas ginaganahan ako pag nakikipagdaldalan ako.

3. my mood/decisions/views change so rapidly, it's scary.

4. i find myself talking back to whoever's on TV, especially if it's a chismis interview of some starlet. as if they'd react, but hey. i'd even roll my eyes for good measure. :P

5. i may not look it, but i spend centuries in the bathroom.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

constant blogging action, the MMFF, and the upcoming elections

i find myself blogging here more often than in my actual blog. i guess multiply also does give me the option to read what everyone else writes, which my blog provider does not.


i miss watching movies! i've wanted to catch zsa zsa zaturnnah but i have neither the luxury of time and money. ha ha! i do want to know if people did actually pay to watch it. i don't really think it's doing well in the box office anyway--but i might be wrong.


speaking of the metro manila film festival, i caught this newsbit on the local news while i was still "sick." apparently some people were disputing enteng kabisote 3 as being best picture for the mmff. of course bayani fernando (yes, the BF), the mmff chairman, said that EK3 deserved the top bid--because it did break box office records. okay, sure, but he didn't really have to state that the main purpose for making movies was for making money, and for him that justified EK3's award.

i'm not disputing EK3 being best picture because hey, i haven't seen it yet. what i am disputing is what BF said.

i mean, BF... seriously?!


i'm excited for the elections. i want to get myself registered THIS TIME and all that. i'm promising myself that, oh yes i am.

sharon cuneta was interviewed the other night on the telly and was asked if she had any plans of running for office. she replied that she's been asked that same question since time immemorial and her answer was still: no.

she has my greater respect now.


did richard gomez ever get a seat in the opposition? i sure hope not.

i really cannot understand why artistas think that the next logical thing to do after their artista regime is making it big in the political arena.

i mean, artistas...seriously?!

Sunday, January 7, 2007

happy new year!

So, here's what happened since (almost) three weeks ago:

1. As per my "new" doctor's orders, I was banned from working my left foot. 22nd of December the foot in question was excruciatingly painful, so I limped to the clinic near our apartment. The doc informed me that my sprain had gotten worse and even had some "partial tendon tear" on it. As a result, I was advised not to go out for fourteen days.

2. That same day we moved to a new apartment. From Cainta, Teena and I now reside in Pinagbuhatan, Pasig. Don't ask me where it's near to, because it's far from everywhere. Seriously! (I know, my preposition usage sucks. Spare me)

3. The fourteen day period ended last Friday, and it was the first time that I was actually able to venture out of the house alone from the new neighborhood. I normally look forward to long walks, but given the current status of my foot, I'm actually sort of dreading it. Haha.

4. I got fatter. Obviously.

5. I did ask the doc when I could do some exercising, particularly jogging. He advised me to wait until the sprain heals completely, which'll take 2-3 months. Brisk-walking, according to him, was no problem, just as long as I'd wear my bandage and high-top shoes while doing so.

6. My foot will not stop me from moving forward. *bow*

...yes, I missed being online, and reading everybody's blogs and stuff. Looks like I have a hell lot of catching up to do.

Hope your holiday was happy!