Friday, December 5, 2008

an observation

we are much more vocal about the things that we dislike than the things we actually like.

what do you think?


drea * said...

been thinking about this, and it might have something to do with our nature as filipinos. i remember our prof telling us that it's in our culture to be very humble and that we don't want to be a trouble to anyone. like, if the media needed to interview someone and they go to their house and ask for an interview, people would rather answer, "mamaya na po" instead of outright turning them down.

perhaps filipinos aren't too vocal about things they like because it could come off as the exact opposite of humility? or that we're too shy to admit that we like something? maybe it's easier to hate than love? i don't know.

i've been thinking too much, i guess?

Harry Balais said...


Edsel Mendoza said...

well, it is easier to mention the negative traits more than fessing up the effort to commend someone... haha

and boy is it fun! XP haha.

fernando sarael said...

actually, this is taught and discussed in marketing. it is a fact that a consumer is more likely to tell 5-8 of her friends a story of terrible experience with a product or service while a positive experience will only be likely to be told to around 2-4 people.

i guess its because its more fun to talk bad about others rather than praise them and say good stuff about them. this explains why gossip columns are thriving, and why gossip girl continues to gain ratings. LOL

princess karess ♥ said...

i find it sad, honestly. it seems to be much easier to bash than to praise. kinda like a knee-jerk reaction to things. but there's always a teeny pinpoint of white in a sea of black. it may be small, but it's there =)

Faith Andres said...

True :(

janis cortes said...

not everyone :)