Wednesday, March 5, 2008

outside calling hours...not!

i've been calling americans on their phone numbers for almost two years. one of my shifts starts at 5am, which is usually early afternoon in the united states.

unlike in the philippines, where 5am in aparri is also 5am in jolo, the US follows four different time zones. on certain times of the day, the computer automatically stops dialling certain states because of time zone restrictions. the states become "outside calling hours."

as the shift progresses, we have less states to contact, lesser accounts to dial, and, naturally, lesser and lesser people to contact. if you're making habol on your sales, you'll be desperate and dial like there's no tomorrow. there's that impending feeling of doom, especially if you're rarin' to meet your daily quota. or if you need to meet that 3pm deadline to pass the final. or if you need to pay that bill, else you might get disconnected for life. or if you've done everything humanly possible and you're hanging on a frayed string for dear life.

when time seemingly is running out on you, what do you do?

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. (Jeremiah 33:3 NIV)

God will never, ever, EVER be outside calling hours. He's available--24/7/365--so even if you're still up at 3:30am tossing and turning on your bed hoping and praying for a miracle to fall from heaven, He will hear you. His ears are never too dull to hear!

and once you call to Him--there will never be a busy signal, a disconnected number, or faxtone. not only will he hear you, He'll listen to you, no matter how big or small your concern is. sometimes we tend to think that we have to be a certain way before we can approach Him, thus being all conscious about ourselves. that if we use "proper" words and phrases, or do "certain" things, we'd be able to catch His attention. hello, He knows our inmost being! did He not create the most minute fibers of our selves in our mom's wombs? He already knows who we are--He wants us to be aware of who that person, that man or woman, that He's made us to be.

God won't be too busy saving the world from eternal damnation, roll His holy eyes, smite you with lightning, or "talk-to-the-hand" at you. He'll meet you where you're at. He'll stoop down to make you great (and He did already, when He brought Jesus to the world!). because YOU, child of God, are destined for greatness.

You came near when I called You, and You said, "Do not fear." (Lamentations 3:57)


lance marlon D. said...

Wow! biruin mo narelate mo yun!!!! hehe!!! but yes!!!! we all are destined for greatness!!! I strongly agree!!!!

jim caƱete said...

Yeah. Amen to that.
God needs your heart when you pray.
Actually pag di ko na alam pagppray ko tongues na lang. galing naman sa heart un hehe.
God Bless

princess karess ♥ said...

thanks jim