Dec 30, '08 3:03 AM
for everyone
Read a book lent to me by my good friend, Wallace. The author was giving tips on how to find out the difference between 'needs' and 'wants' when figuring out your budget.
The book came at a good time because as Jenn and I were about to write up our Faith Goals for 2009. There are things we need, but there are things that certainly would be nice to have (which would go under 'want' category).
The author lists 4 questions to figure out if an item is a need or a want...
1. Would you or others around you die?
2. Would you or others suffer physical pain or extreme physical discomfort?
3. Would your health or the health of others suffer in the long term?
4. Do you know for sure that you would lose your job without this item?
If the answer to these questions is a 'no', then the item would go under the want category.
Yes, I realize that it might sound a bit extreme. But at certain levels, extreme is good.
got y'all thinking, huh?
i've just realized that the "luho item" that i thought i needed was actually just something i want (what i really really want.)
have a happy new year y'all!
kook! i love your theme!
me too!
Oooh. Spicy girlssss. :D
i want all my needs! hahaha
that's the spirit! ahahhaha!
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